it's time


At the very moment when audacity begins, when the passion within you defies the ordinary. As the minutes tick away and let your adrenaline find its playground. 

With increasing intensity, when the moment becomes critical, that your senses are awake. When the pressure reaches its limits, and that only one evidence is offered to you: never give up.

Just when your will regains control, where the mind empties. As your gesture finds its address, until the ultimate thrill that closes the experience and mission the next hour. Like an eternal departure.

Fail or Prevail BUT


Media editorial of luxury RESERVOIR watch with a very dark red, bright red, and light grey-blue colour palette.


Bring boldness back to life and make every minute count, so every hour counts.


The adventures embodied by measuring instruments and mechanical counters, faithful allies of heroes over the ages, and a deep source of inspiration for a real watchmaking alternative.

Media editorial of luxury RESERVOIR watch featuring dark navy blue, light sky blue, and medium blue-grey.
logo reservoir
Luxurious Media RESERVOIR watch in Dark Brown, Light Mauve and Light Grey-Blue


A radical reading of the time – retrograde minute, jumping hour, power reserve, and other complications – punctuated by a regular thrill, so that each model can transform time into a precious resource.


A unique French design for singular models, true watchmaking exceptions, containing a tailor-made and proprietary Swiss-Made module.

Media of a RESERVOIR Watch in a luxury editorial featuring jet black, light grey, and light teal colors.
Luxury RESERVOIR watch in a dark navy blue, light sky blue and medium blue-grey editorial media.

World of

Taking its inspiration from measuring instruments, RESERVOIR watches reflect the functionality and aesthetic appeal of counters, manometers, gauges from universes like automobile, aeronautics and marine. RESERVOIR watches echo an era in which these precision instruments, easy to read and accurate to act, were at the service of mankind. A time when the pulse quickened, and adrenaline coursed through the driver’s or pilot’s veins as he embarked upon voyages that demanded courage and high performance.

From a meter
to a watch


Reservoir creates the radical reading of time

for a maximum boldness

How to read time ?

RESERVOIR timepieces take on the ultra-functional style of instrument meters, creating a radical way to read time.  The retrograde minute and the jumping hour act as substitutes for the more usual three hands on Swiss watches. RESERVOIR watches are innovative for the radical way the time is displayed, which is achieved by drawing on two watchmaking complications combined with the power reserve. The retrograde minute at 240° recalls the R.P.M. counters, the manometers, and the depth gauges. The jumping hour recalls the mileage meters, and the power reserve display echoes the fuel and oil gauges.


Before the creation, there is the idea.

To go beyond limits, to set new heights and to accomplish real achievements, like all those legendary pilots who inspired RESERVOIR. Achievements made possible thanks to the incredible energy of those pilots, like the fuel symbolized by the gauge and the jerrican.

To embody its values in the material, RESERVOIR borrows from gas jerrycans the shape engraved on their side to create the brand’s emblem. Born in the 30s, those petrol tanks were precious tools, especially during war for soldiers and their jeeps as well as pilots ready to take off to fight. They are a true allegory for the brand; they recall that for any action, energy is essential.

Media of luxury RESERVOIR watch with light taupe, dark grey, and dark charcoal grey tones in an editorial.

swiss made

The RESERVOIR collections bear witness to unique watchmaking know-how by satisfying the strictest professional requirements. It is in Switzerland, in La Chaux-de-Fonds, that the TELOS master watchmakers develop the three complication module, the beating heart of the RSV-240 caliber, before these are
All their art is revealed in the precision of the measurements, the rigor of the controls and the attention paid to each stage of work, regardless of the mechanical complexity of the watch. The fact that the checks are so thorough, and that such attention is devoted to every minor detail, means that RESERVOIR is truly proud to display the SWISS MADE label, even in its logo.

Animation montre école_trans


Media RESERVOIR watch editorial in luxury dark black, light peach, and light grey.


CEO & Founder

Passionate by watchmaking and fascinated by vintage measuring instruments since his childhood, François has created RESERVOIR as a tribute to these legendary racing drivers, to these pioneers of the aerospace conquest and to all those heroes determined to push the limits of their time.
After 25 years of international management experience in the banking industry, François decides in 2015 to put his energy and his skills in the launch of RESERVOIR, to fully live his passion and to develop innovative watch collections. With an acute sense of design and a contagious creativity, François is driven by his insatiable desire to offer a genuine and affordable alternative to luxury watchmaking.

Media of a RESERVOIR watch in luxury editorial featuring dark navy, light beige and light grey-blue colors.


Business Development Director & Partner

François has joined the RESERVOIR adventure from the very beginning, with the conviction that the project matches the trends of the watch market which he had previously witnessed as South China GM of the world’s leading Swiss Made watch brand.

Graduated from Sciences-Po in 2000, François rapidly wished to put into practice his taste for commercial and operational development in luxury products by relocating to China from 2002 to 2015, where he notably developed the South China branch of the leading wine & spirits importer, before joining the watch industry in 2007.

Media editorial of luxury RESERVOIR watch in dark charcoal, light peach, and light grey.


Chief Marketing Officer, Digital
Communication & Partner

François-Marie fulfills his willingness for an entrepreneurial adventure by establishing RESERVOIR as a new and global Luxury watchmaking brand. Passionate about timepieces that tell a story, he is fully dedicated in creating for this new house a robust perceived value through emotions and unique experiences, inspired by audacious heroes from the past or from today.

Holding a dual degree as engineer at Arts&Métiers Paristech and business education at INSEAD & Executive MBA of HEC Paris, Francois-Marie held various managerial positions in France, Europe and Latin America in large consumer corporations, during which he developed robust “savoir-faire” in marketing strategy, communication and digital for global brands.


Iconic watches are considered as pillar pieces, describing best the values and DNA of RESERVOIR.


Media of luxury RESERVOIR watch in jet, charcoal black shades.

“With its Kanister timepiece, the watchmaker takes its cues from the speedometer of the 356 Speedster sports car. But rather than merely drawing inspiration, it instead took the opportunity to completely rethink the traditional way of telling time.”

Eleanor Pryor – March 17th 2022

Media: Luxury RESERVOIR watch in dark navy, light grey, and light blue-grey.

“In an era when all the rage is about vintage-inspired race cars and the reiteration of life’s classics, French watch brand Reservoir, which offers Swiss-made watches, deftly reinterprets vintage auto gauges of all sorts for spectacular results on the wrist.”

Roberta Naas – January 12, 2022

Luxury black and grey RESERVOIR watch editorial media.

“The latest model from its collection devoted to cars is a silver version of the Kanister inspired by the RPM or tachometer counter (…) Fitted with a new Swiss-made engine to keep the three complications in sync, the Reservoir Kanister Silver offers a lot more than an automobile-inspired watch.”

Rebecca Doulton – March 14th 2022

“The Kanister 316 variant takes on a new look with its brushed steel case mounted on a vintage five-link bracelet. The combination of modernity and the retro aspect creates an obvious harmony.”

Serge Maillard – Editor in chief

“I’m not gonna lie; Reservoir was not on my radar too much before its GT Tour Blue Edition landed on my table. Actually, it landed in front of my door for six hours before I could arrive home to pick it up (thank you, DHL), but that’s another story. Not checking this brand out sooner was a grave mistake because this watch is nice. Like, very nice.”

Balazs Ferenczi – Editor

“I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the Reservoir Hydrosphere “Air Gauge”. Certainly, it won’t talk to the masses and is a niche product. Still, it is a unique and mechanically advanced display, the original design (without being too extreme), the cleverness of the bezel (even though unconventional), the cool features (the manometer inspiration, the full luminous dial) and the overall quality of the execution have convinced me.”

Brice Goulard – August 30, 2019

Media of luxury RESERVOIR watch in jet, charcoal black shades.

“Vintage cars and watches share a similar appeal, they speak to a lifestyle of adventure, freedom and the joy of the open road. Reservoir’s creations tap into this dream, with nods to some of the most iconic motors of past and the legendary racers at their wheel.”

Eleanor Pryor – Editor

Media editorial of a luxury Jet Black, Light Grey, and Medium Grey RESERVOIR watch.

“It’s no secret watches do more than just tell time. The new Reservoir Kanister Silver is a good example: It puts you in the driver’s seat every time you glance at it.”

Michael Charboneau – Associate Editor

Media editorial of luxury RESERVOIR watch in Jet black, light grey and medium grey.

“On the wrist, the Kanister is a real looker, thanks to that super graphic dial – and nicely matched polished titanium – all rounded out by the cool retro styling.”

Ming Liu – Journalist


“The diversity of products means Reservoir isn’t just for aero fans or battleship enthusiasts. It’s for anybody who appreciates beautiful, analog instrumentation.”

Stephen Hale Watson – Journalist

Media of a black RESERVOIR watch with very light and black grey details, an editorial luxury item.

“French watchmaker RESERVOIR’s game-changing take on telling time enters a new era. Its Swiss Made watches — that read more like dynamic instrumentation than fussy horology — are perfectly engineered for fans of vintage speedsters.”

Mike Espindle – Journalist

“The Reservoir Black Sparrow series represents a unique twist on a classic appearance, and despite the fact that it offers many of the same hallmark features that define other aviation-themed models, the brand’s unique jumping hour and retrograde minutes display enables the new collection to still feel unique and special.”

Ripley Sellers – Associate Editor







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“Maison beaucoup plus récente – elle a été créée en 2017 –, Reservoir se veut depuis l’origine fidèle à un affichage rétrograde des minutes, combiné à une heure sautante.”

C. L. – 05 juin 2023

Logo - Font

“Directement inspiré des manomètres de pression d’air de plongée sous-marine, l’Hydrosphère bouleverse les codes des montres de plongée avec une seule aiguille sur le cadran, pour une lecture radicale de l’heure.”

Thu-Huyen Hoang – 6 juillet 2022

Design - Product design

“Si les montres Reservoir se veulent un hommage à l’âge d’or des courses automobiles, elles s’associent également à l’univers du sport automobile contemporain, dont les technologies de pointe sont en constante évolution.”

Constantin Pârvulescu – 24 mai 2023

Logo - Font

“Depuis fin 2022, elle va plus loin en réinterprétant le chronographe qui passe des compteurs bicompax à des ouvertures latérales qui calcule le passage des secondes et affiche la date de manière rétrograde, s’inspirant des VU mètres d’amplificateur.” – 13 janvier 2023

Logo - Product design

“La montre Kanister est cataloguée “montre ancienne” par l’horloger suisse. Elle a certes reçu une récompense en 2022 (Red Dot for Product Design), mais elle rend bel et bien hommage aux années 50.”

Jérémy Patrelle – 9 octobre 2023

Luxury Media RESERVOIR watch editorial with jet black, light beige, and medium grey colors.

“Spécialisée dans les montres mono aiguille à heure sautante inspirées des compteurs en tous genres, RESERVOIR nous livre la Kanister : un modèle au design inspiré d’un compte-tours de 356 Speedster.”

Pierre Gisclard – 23 février 2022

Media of luxurious dark navy RESERVOIR watch with light grey and light grey-blue accents.

“Reservoir est connue pour l’esthétique particulière de ses montres et pour sa réputation en termes de complications. Son identité se résume dans une lecture totalement différente de l’heure grâce à l’usage de trois complications: une minute rétrograde, une heure sautante et une réserve de marche. Un vrai et solide contenu horloger. Sur le modèle Popeye, le cadran présente une configuration rétrograde à 240 °, avec les minutes affichées sur les trois quarts de la surface et les heures de fonctionnement indiquées de manière évidente via une lunette à 6 heures, aux pieds du héros …”

Marine Ulrich 

Media of a RESERVOIR watch in luxury editorial colors of Bright Red, Very Light Pink, and Light Pinkish-Red.

“Déjà spectaculaire en version acier grâce à son mode d’affichage caractéristique, à savoir heure sautante, minute rétrograde et indication linéaire de réserve de marche, l’Hydrosphère n’attendait plus qu’une déclinaison en bronze pour gagner de nouveaux galons.”

Hervé Gallet – 12 juin 2020

Media editorial featuring a RESERVOIR watch with a luxury design in navy blue, light sky blue and light blue-grey.

“Reservoir: addicts au D-Day. La jeune marque franco-suisse rend un hommage horloger à l’une des stars immortelles du débarquement de Normandie: la jeep.”

Judikael Hirel – 20 février 2020

Media of a RESERVOIR watch in luxury editorial - dark brown, bright red, and very dark red.

“Comment se faire une place sur un marché où les acteurs de poids ne manquent pas ? En cassant une partie des codes. C’est ce que réalise la jeune griffe de montres Reservoir depuis son lancement en 2017.”

Clotilde Briard – 6 février 2019



Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Corporation

魅力的に映る大人に共通することは、余裕があること。では、余裕とはいったい何を意味するのか? “遊び心を持つ”というのも、そのひとつだろう。そんな余裕のある大人を手元から演出してくれそうなのが、〈レゼルボワール〉のブラック スパロウ。初期の戦闘機のコクピットに搭載されていた計器にインスパイアされた新作は、ご覧のように文字盤に針が1本と、どこか様子が違うユニークな印象。こちらを手元に置けば、着こなしのアクセントになるだけでなく、時計好きからも「それ、どこの?」なんて、注目を集めること請け合いだろう。

ENGINE初登場のブランド「レゼルボワール」から理想のペアを提案。チタン × 黒文字盤に加えステンレス×シルバー文字盤が登場。 2024年冬の時計特集のテーマは、「アイディアル・ペア~理想の2本を探せ!~」。自宅のガレージに絶妙な組み合わせのクルマを2台並べるように、時計も2本ペアで選ぶのが大人の時計好きの楽しみ方だ。今回は、編集部が信頼する時計ジャーナリストと目利きたちで結成したエンジン時計委員会のメンバーのみなさんに、組み合わせの妙を楽しむ時計の選び方を指南してもらった。 クルマ好きの心の琴線に触れる“腕に着ける計器”「レゼルボワール」でアイディアル・ペアを選ぶなら、「STEEL」×「TITAN」で2本持ちの幸せを味わって。スティールケース+ブレスレット仕様も入手したい。


Awards & recognition

RESERVOIR is proud to be recognized by some of the most influential watchmaking publications and organizations around the world

Luxury Watch with Diver and Manometer designed by Greg Lecoeur in Dark Navy, Light Greyish Pink, and Light Steel Blue.
Luxury Media RESERVOIR watch in light grey, bright red, and dark salmon pink.

Hydrosphere Bronze x The Greg Lecoeur Edition

Best Diving Watch
Hydrosphere Bronze x The Greg Lecoeur Edition nominated in the Diving category at the Middle East Watch & Jewellery of the Year 2021.

Black 356 Porsche Car with Light Grey and Light Teal Watch.
Media RESERVOIR watch editorial in light pink, very dark grey, and bright red for luxury look.


RESERVOIR wins the Red Dot Award of excellence for the stunning design of the Kanister model ! The Red Dot Product Design Award is one of the highest distinctions for design and innovation, awarded in an international competition.

Black 356 Porsche Car with Light Grey and Light Teal Watch.
Media editorial of luxury RESERVOIR watch in light grey, very dark grey, and almost black grey


For its first participation at the Only Watch charity auction, RESERVOIR is proud to join the 2021 generous collective effort for research against muscular dystrophies, with a unique piece the RESERVOIR Kanister Palladium.

Luxury Watch with Diver and Manometer designed by Greg Lecoeur in Dark Navy, Light Greyish Pink, and Light Steel Blue.
Media RESERVOIR watch with luxury editorial in light pink, very dark grey, and dark brown.

Hydrosphere Bronze x The Greg Lecoeur Edition

The Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG) aims at rewarding the most remarkable contemporary creations and promote the watchmaking art worldwide.
Hydrosphere Bronze x The Greg Lecoeur Edition nominated in the Diving category at the GPHG 2021.

Media of RESERVOIR watch in luxury editorial style with dark brown, light peach, and light blue-grey.
Media of a luxury RESERVOIR watch featuring light pink, very dark brown, and dark rust red colors.

Hydrosphere Bronze x Revolution “The Maldives Edition”

The Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG) aims at rewarding the most remarkable contemporary creations and promote the watchmaking art worldwide.
Hydrosphere Bronze x Revolution “The Maldives Edition” nominated in the Diving category at the GPHG 2020

Media RESERVOIR Watch Editorial in Luxury Black, Light Grey, and Light Teal.
Media RESERVOIR watch in light beige, very dark grey, and dark red, an editorial luxury.

Hydrosphere Black Fin

The Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG) aims at rewarding the most remarkable contemporary creations and promote the watchmaking art worldwide.
Hydrosphere Black Fin nominated in the Diving category at the GPHG 2019

Media of a luxurious RESERVOIR watch with dark navy, light grey and dark grey-blue colours.
Media of RESERVOIR watch in luxury editorial style featuring dark charcoal, light pink and light grey.

Longbridge British Racing

The Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG) aims at rewarding the most remarkable contemporary creations and promote the watchmaking art worldwide.

Longbridge British Racing nominated in the Challenge category at the GPHG 2018

Download our brochure & discover our collections

Media editorial of luxury RESERVOIR watch in dark charcoal, light pink, and light grey-blue.
Luxury Media RESERVOIR watch in black, light pink, and light grey editorial.
Media editorial of luxury RESERVOIR watch in dark brown, bright red and light grey-blue.

Download our brochure & discover our collections


The RESERVOIR partnerships illustrate the shared values with today's or from the past heroes, from which a specific watch in limited edition has been released.

Luxury Diver Watch with Greg Lecoeur's Manometer in Medium Slate Blue and Light Steel Blue.
Luxury Watch with Diver and Manometer designed by Greg Lecoeur in Dark Navy, Light Greyish Pink, and Light Steel Blue.

Greg Lecoeur

Ocean & Wildlife Photographer

2020 UPY Underwater Photographer of the Year

2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year



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Media Editorial RESERVOIR Watch - Luxury Timepiece in Jet Black, Light Grey & Steel Grey


Media editorial of luxury RESERVOIR watch in shades of dark charcoal, light grey and medium grey.




Media: Luxury RESERVOIR watch with light grey, very dark grey and dark brown colour scheme.


Media RESERVOIR watch editorial in luxury colours of dark olive green, light grey, and light mint green.



Comics by Reservoir

Dark olive green, light beige, and light blue-grey luxury RESERVOIR watch editorial media.


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Comics featuring Blake and Mortimer in black, light grey and light blue-grey.

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